News Archive
Shake It Out!
October 13, 2015
The Arkansas Union will conduct a shake out drill Thursday, October 15th, at 10:15am. The Union is participating in The Great Shake Out of 2015, an emergency preparedness drill geared toward earthquake preparedness and safety.
At 10:15am tomorrow, an announcement will come over the Union PA system, asking all building occupants to briefly pause, consider their current location, and think about what they would do in the event of an earthquake strike at that moment. Participation is completely voluntary, and no one will be asked to actually move anywhere or take any shelter. The exercise is 100% mental, and should last no longer than 60-90 seconds. Signs will be posted around the building, and on social media, to help provide reminders about the exercise.
The Shake Out is a simultaneous international event, involving schools, government buildings, and public facilities all over the world. Millions of people will participate in a shake out drill over the next 24 hours. For more information on the exercise tomorrow, please contact the Arkansas Union Administrative Office.
Wooo Pig... Cellie?
October 1, 2015
The Arkansas Union is proud to present a new service to our busy students: a new cell phone charging tower!
The tower, located in the center of the Living Room, features a number of different built-in charging cords for iPhones, Androids, and other devices. Students may also bring their own USB cables and connect through either of the two USB ports located on the device.
The charger, produced by Power Tower and sponsored by Pepsi, will be a new permanent installation in the Living Room, according to Union Director Rob Stagni. "We've gotten charging towers loaned to us in the past, but we specifically requested this one, with the Hog branding, as a permanent help to our students," Stagni said. "While this will not replace the chargers available at the Information Center, it will hopefully provide more options for our students."
The Living Room in the Arkansas Union is open 24 hours during the week, and closes at Midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
Simply... Stunning!
September 30, 2015
Well, to say that it's been a busy September a the Arkansas Union would certainly be an understatement.
Event reservations around the facility are up, both in number and in scope. The Union is proud to host an unbelievable variety of events, activities, clubs, and meetings. Space remains available for some select rooms and times. Please visit, or come by Arkansas Union 634 to inquire about space availability.
The Union has also seen some new events happen this year, along with expanded classics. The Campus Farmer's Market, which took place in the International Connections Lounge on September 14th, featured a wide variety of vendors, selling everything from raw meat to finely-baked pecan pies. Chartwells, the sponsor of the event, hopes to bring another Farmer's Market back to the building in the springtime. A mere week later, on September 22nd, the Arkansas Union hosted Union Day on the mall. The event was a great success, and brought our a record number of student participants for free food and drink, prizes, and great fun while learning all about the offices and tenants of the Union.
And what month would be complete without a new and exciting award? The Arkansas Union was recently honored by Thrillist as having one of the 25 "Most Stunning College Buildings in America." Cited as being a great place to gather, study, and enjoy campus life, the Arkansas Union joined the list with only a select few other campus student centers: Ohio State, Michigan, and Oregon State. This marks another great distinction for the Arkansas Union, the last being its naming as one of the 25 best college unions in the country in 2013.
The Arkansas Union is proud to help give you a place to call your own on campus. Stop by today, and make your mark!
Welcome to Union Day!
September 22, 2015
Our favorite day of the year has arrives: Union Day! We welcome all students, faculty, and staff to the Arkansas Union Mall area between 11am and 2pm for free pizza, give-aways, prizes, and an abundance of information! Above all, Union Day is a celebration of the offices and tenants that call our facility home. From the Treasurer's Office to SGA to the Post Office, there is almost nothing you can't do, find, or achieve under our roof. This year's Union Day features more booths than ever, an expanded set of give-aways, and a limited edition Arkansas Union tote bag for the first 500 folks who show up!
If you visit enough stations, you are entered for two prizes: first, an automatic on-the-spot prize - maybe a t-shirt or a stadium cup? And you'll ALSO be entered to win a grand prize, including some amazing items donated by the University of Arkansas Bookstore, such as a folding chair, deluxe lunchbox, and REALLY cool shirts!
Union Day is our favorite event of the year, because we get to interact with so many of you! This year, we're asking folks to give us input regarding the renovation of our North Terrace area. We're putting in a new floor... but what else does the space need? Hammock stations? Oversized rocking chairs? Tell us what we should get for this coming spring! And stop by our maintenance table to give any other input about our building, meeting spaces, technology, and facility in general.
Whether this is your first Union Day, or your ninth (we haven't had 10 yet, so anything beyond that is a lie) - welcome to Union Day at the Arkansas Union!
Announcing: Union Day 2015
September 15, 2015
The Arkansas Union is pleased to announce this year's Union Day, which will be held Tuesday, September 22, from 11am to 2pm on the Union Mall. This year's Union Day activities will feature more food, prizes, and give-aways than ever before, and students are encouraged early to receive a limited-edition Union Day tote bag, featuring this year's theme, "Life's A Beach At The Arkansas Union."
Stay tuned to the Union Website and Newswire for more information.
The Campus Farmer's Market
September 14, 2015
Rob Stagni, Arkansas Union Director
With summer gone and weekends feeling more like fall, the Arkansas Union has teamed up with Chartwells Campus Dining to bring students a one-of-a-kind treat: an on-campus Farmer's Market! Stop by the Arkansas Union today to partake in a wide variety of vendors, selling goods such as pies, candy, beef, woodworking, and more! The vendors have come from as close as the Fayetteville Farmer's Market, and as far away as Van Buren! Looking for a snack or gift for Family Weekend this coming week? The Farmer's Market might have just what you're looking for!
The market will be today only, from 11am to 7pm, in the Arkansas Union Connections Lounge and North Terrace.
So Long, Sweet Summer
August 14, 2015
Rob Stagni, Arkansas Union Director
It has been a summer of learning and transformation at the Arkansas Union. As the last days draw to a close and students begin to arrive, it's only appropriate that we reflect on what the summer has brought us, and how the Union has impacted the campus and community the last few months.
The summer was unofficially kicked off around finals time, with the acquisition and installation of our major art piece, The transport through structure and ornament as constituents of connection, which will hang in the main 6th floor atrium space until the holidays season. The art piece, made of 30,000 zip ties hand-joined by students Samantha Hussey and Sarah McCormick, is a bold reminder of the importance that role that art plays in our public space. The campus is invited to view the piece from below (4th floor landing) and above (6th floor balcony) as a means of gaining multiple perspectives.
In May, the Union held host to the First Lego League Razorback Invitational, bringing hundreds of students and teams from around the world to compete in robotics design competitions. The tournament, a new experience for the Union, proved a great success. May also brought the usual excitement in the form of the WalMart Shareholder's Meeting, in which the Union serves as a hub of important meetings and media connections.
June, as always, was fully centered around New Student Orientation, which consistently brings thousands of new students, families, and guests into the facility. This year, participants were given the option of attending a one-day or two-day session, giving families flexibility and driving up traffic significantly in the building. The daily Information Exchange in the International Connections Lounge proved a magnificent time for learning, connecting, and building excitement for incoming students and their families. June also gave Team Union the opportunity to renovate our Media Office on the 5th floor, which hadn't seen an overhaul since the space was used as a barber shop in the 80's.
July was full of camps. Seriously. Multiple band camps, and a 4H camp accounted for almost all four weeks. July's headlines, however, were more internal for the Union. We onboarded our new IT Specialist, JD, who has already begun wrangling in our various systems and devices to help build consistency and a foundation for future growth. July also saw our "big summer project" begin - namely, the renovation of the West Passenger Elevator, which is expected to be completed soon.
August, in case you didn't know, is our busiest month. No, there isn't much building traffic before students arrive, but those two weeks serve as our sole precious time to undertake our building-wide deep cleaning. Carpets, lights, paint, floors, and anything we can get our hands on gets a thorough scrubbing, buffing, wiping, spraying, and all other manner of upkeep necessary to keep the building functional. Of particular note was the re-priming of the Verizon Ballroom floor, which was badly needed and should extend its life for more years to come (parque flooring is expensive, y'all). August was also the first time in a year the entire Union Staff has been able to get together, and the opportunity to have a retreat at the Alumni House was not wasted. Finally, we are poised to soon begin a renovation of the west side of our roof, solving multiple leak issues and extending the life of the building.
Of course, all of this overlooks the significant non-Union projects that have been happening around us, namely, the renovation of the Performing Arts Center next door and the street work along Garland Avenue. While not our projects, we are proud to have helped serve as a bridge over the street and a guidepost to help visitors navigate the often-confusing paths around this work.
All said, it has been a busy summer at the Arkansas Union, and our staff and facilities are primed and ready for the arrival of students and the beginning of the academic year. Go Hogs!
Union Hires IT Specialist
July 13, 2015
The Arkansas Union is pleased to announce the hire of Mr. J.D. Horne as its first-ever Union I.T. Specialist. J.D., a native of Fayetteville, is a former UA student and employee of the Horne Law Firm. “We are thrilled to have J.D. joining our team,” said Union Director Rob Stagni. “J.D. brings a wealth of talent, skills, and knowledge that our team otherwise lacks and needs. Union tenants, guests, and customers will all benefit from his employment here.”
“I’m excited to be here supporting the Union staff and our students,” said Mr. Horne. “There are many great things planned which will bring the Arkansas Union to the next level and I’m pleased to be here to help bring those plans to fruition.”
J.D.’s primary responsibilities will entail the maintenance and upkeep of Union-operated computer systems and equipment, including Union Theatre systems used for classes in the fall and spring semesters. “Now that he’s here, we’ll set J.D. on some bigger projects this year,” Stagni says. “Big things are in the works.”
About J.D. Horne:
J.D. Horne is a Fayetteville native and 3rd generation Razorback. As an undergrad
with the U of A he concentrated on a broad variety of subjects including Communication,
Philosophy, Social Sciences, Geosciences, and Architecture.
J.D. fell into the world of computing and I.T. after repairing an old Apple “IIe" computer in 1990. In the time since his early endeavors, J.D. has more than twenty-five years of experience using, building, configuring, troubleshooting and repairing PC, Apple/Mac, Windows, OS X, Linux, and networking hardware and software.
I enjoy spending most of my time with my lovely fiancée, Angie. We enjoy getting outside
with our three dogs, canoeing the Buffalo and Mulberry rivers, motorcycle rides, and
taking spontaneous road trips and vacations. On a rainy day, though, there’s nothing
better than settling in with a few good movies.
I’m intrigued by most anything mechanical or electronic. German cars and motorcycles, BMW in particular, are my absolute passions. I find the process of maintenance and repair to be a very relaxing (and cathartic) experience — at least as enjoyable as the driving experience itself.
Favorite Quotes:
“I’m a nerd?! I AM a nerd. I’M a NERD!” —J.D. Horne
“A hammer may be a precision instrument or a rudimentary device of destruction. It’s
simply up to the user.” —J.D. Horne
“Steel can be any shape you want if you are skilled enough, and any shape but the
one you want if you are not.” —Robert M. Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
“Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom
will come to you that way.” —Christopher Hitchens.
Special Weekend Holiday Hours
July 2, 2015
The Arkansas Union will have special hours this Friday, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4th in recognition of the holiday weekend.
The West side of the Union will be completely closed until Sunday, July 5th, at 12pm. The East side of the Union will be open Friday and Saturday, from 9am to midnight. The East side will resume normal hours on Sunday, opening at 9am. Services on Friday and Saturday will be limited to the computer lab. There will be no food service in the Union during this time.
Arkansas Union Updates Pricing
July 1, 2015
The Arkansas Union is announcing its updated pricing plan, effective July 1, 2015.
The updated pricing plan has been developed in consultation with campus partners, frequent users, SEC peers, and other local venues to remain fair and competitive. The structure still allows for minimal charging of student groups and university departments, says Union Director Rob Stagni. "That was the first, and biggest goal - to maintain our service to students and the university community by keeping those costs minimal or free." The biggest changes will be in the areas of sponsored events and those put on by non-university entities, Stagni says.
The pricing update process has taken nearly a year, and was vetted through many users and administrators, says Union Event Services Manager Emilie Hook. "It is important for us to update our rates so that we, as a highly-utilized event venue on campus, can use that revenue to continue the enhancement of our facilities, technology, services, and general aesthetics of the building," said Hook. "This is the first pricing update since 2009, and it's long-overdue."
The new prices are available on the Union Website, and will go into effect July 1, 2015. Any events priced, quoted, or confirmed prior to that time will retain the old rate structures.
Orienting the Summer
June 15, 2015
Not even halfway through, it has already been a long and busy summer for the Arkansas Union. Since commencement, the Union has hosted a number of large events, including the First Lego League Razorback Invitational and annual Wal-Mart Shareholder's Conference. These activities have brought a great deal of excitement, discovery, and capital impact to the Arkansas Union and the campus at large.
The month of June us largely dedicated to New Student Orientation, which welcome thousands of new Razorbacks and their families to the university, assists in the registering of classes, and introduces many offices and services to the students. If you are coming through Orientation, please drop by the Arkansas Union table at the Resource Fair and get your limited-edition Union Day sunglasses - and learn all about us while you're at it!
Next month, the Union will host a number of camps, including band camps, 4-H camps, and others. We also traditionally use July as a time to engage in much-needed building improvement and renovation, so please watch your step if you're here in July!
Memorial Day Weekend Hours
May 22, 2015
The Arkansas Union will have modified hours this weekend to accommodate for the Memorial Day Holiday.
On Saturday, May 23rd, and Sunday, May 24th the West side of the Union will be closed for cleaning. The East side will be open from 8am to midnight both days. On Monday, May 25th, the entire building will be open 8am to midnight. Each individual office or service area (computer labs, etc.) has set their own operating hours for these days - please check with them for specific information. There is no food service in the Arkansas Union throughout the three day weekend.
We wish everyone the very best Memorial Day weekend, and we look forward to re-opening Tuesday morning for the first day of Honors Orientation with #UARK19!
Campus Power Outage Tomorrow
May 19, 2015
The University of Arkansas has scheduled a campus-wide power outage early morning on Wednesday, May 20th, in order to restore power supply systems switched over earlier this year. The outage will impact the majority of campus, and will likely come in sections or waves.
While the Arkansas Union is without power, patrons are asked to steer clear of elevators. The outage is tentatively scheduled between 5:45am and 6:30am, which should minimize impact on activities. Critical safety systems will not be impacted. Resources like internet and Wi-Fi may take a few minutes to come back online once power is restored. This outage will not impact water or gas supply to the building, although restrooms that utilize air-blower hand dryers should be avoided. Cellular service users may experience signal deterioration in the lower parts of the Union due to antennae being offline.
The Ties that Bind
May 14, 2015
Visitors to the 6th floor atrium area of the Arkansas Union will be surprised by a new art installation that now dominates the space. Entitled The transport through structure and ornament as constituents of connection, the sculpture consists of 30,000 zip ties and decorative fabric, and is the result of hard work by senior BFA candidates Samantha Hussey and Sarah McCormick. "We are thrilled to have this excellent work of student-made art in the facility" said Union Director Rob Stagni. "It's a magnificent sculpture, and the Union is proud to help showcase the artistic talents of our students."
The work itself was the result of over 100 hours of assembling interlocking zip ties and fabric strips, according to Hussey and McCormick. The piece was originally made last fall for a one-day event in the Fayetteville Town Center for the Little Craft Fair. Hussy and McCormick were eager to find a new location to display the piece, and made contact with Stagni early in the spring to begin arrangements.
The sculpture is on display now through the fall, and is easily seen from the 4th, 5th, and 6th floor areas of the Arkansas Union.
Outages, Closings, and Updates, Oh My!
May 11, 2015
It will be a busy summer in and around the Arkansas Union. In addition to hosting two large conferences and June Orientation, there will be a number of facilities-based projects happening in and around the facility, according to Union Director Rob Stagni. "We never sit still" Stagni says, "and that's a good thing for our guests and tenants."
On the outside of the building, visitors will notice that Garland Avenue is already completely closed from Maple to the Union. This is to accommodate expanding construction needs for the Faulkner Performing Arts Center as well as plumbing work, and will be in progress through July. This closure will impact bus routes, emergency responses, and other traffic. Moreover, the project requires at least one or two water outages in the Union. These outages will result in better water service to the building and nearby facilities as well.
The Union will also see its fair share of work, though the differences may not be as obvious. In July, the Union will receive the last piece of its new roof, this time over the west side facing the stadium. The large west outside stairwells will also be refinished and repainted, and the West side passenger elevator will be replaced in July - August. Chartwells will also make equipment upgrades in their back kitchen. "None of these are eye-opening changes for the average user" says Stagni, "but they help prolong the life of the building and keep us operating safely and securely."
The Union will continue to update its home page with news, photos, timeframes, and other information as it becomes available.
Union Survey In Progress
April 29, 2015
The Arkansas Union has undertaken a short survey to determine opinions of its services and offerings, according to Arkansas Union Director Rob Stagni. The purpose of the survey is to "determine if what we're doing on a daily basis aligns with what students, faculty, and staff want," said Stagni. The survey results will be used to track progress on Union-related goals and improve services offered, according to Stagni. "At the end of the day, if it's not about the students, then why are we doing it?"
The survey is approximately fifteen questions long, and can be accessed at through mid-May. Arkansas students, faculty, and staff who complete the survey may enter their name for a drawing of three $25 Razorbucks prizes. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to take the survey.
Union Announces Extended Finals Hours
April 28, 2015
With the onset of finals, the Arkansas Union has announced its extended hours schedule to accommodate late-night studiers. Building hours are being extended, and dedicated quiet study spaces are being provided to assist with test preparation. The hours of the facility are shown below. Quiet study space will be made available in the Living Room and Connections Lounge. We request that patrons walking through these spaces make efforts to limit their volume during finals.
During this time, many Union tenants will also maintain extended hours. The Arkansas Union will post those messages and schedules via social media as they are made available. Please follow @ArkansasUnion on Twitter and the Arkansas Union Facebook page.
Union AED's Promote Safety
April 27, 2015
With nearly three million visitors a year, the Arkansas Union is always looking out for the safety of its patrons. A recent trend in unions is the installation of AED's, or Automated External Defibrillators, to assist with patrons experiencing sudden cardiac issues. The Arkansas Union installed 7 defibrillators throughout the facility two years ago, in an effort to promote patron safety, according to Union Director Rob Stagni. "With a building as big and staggered as ours, it's important that we provide a number of AED's strategically located to assist in an emergency," said Stagni.
An AED is a simple-to-use device that, when used properly, can assist patrons experiencing
sudden cardiac issues. Each AED in the Arkansas Union is battery-operated with both
written and audio instructions for its use. "The idea is that almost anyone can grab
an AED quickly, listen to the instructions, and potentially save a life," Stagni says.
"Just open it up, press the button, and do what the machine says." AED's are used
in public facilities nationwide, and the devices are capable of both analyzing patients
quickly and delivering an electrical shock if needed.
In the Arkansas Union, there are seven AED's located throughout the facility. All are wall-mounted in a white box that will set off an alarm when opened. The locations of the AED's are:
- First Floor: Outside Chartwells Office 103
- Second Floor: On Column outside Hair Care
- Third Floor: Outside the Women's Restroom in the Food Court Area
- Fourth Floor: Next to the elevator, near the UP Theater
- Fifth Floor: Outside Room 509
- Sixth Floor: Outside Room 634
- A3 Floor: Behind the Union Information Center
Stagni says that patrons and building tenants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the nearest AED before an incident takes place. "Preparation is key," he says, "so that we can minimize confusion and delays in an incident." Patrons or Union tenants desiring AED information or training may contact the Union Administrative Office, ARKU 634.
Local Police Hosting Prescription Drug Take-Back
April 22, 2015
The Fayetteville Police Department, in conjunction with UAPD, is hosting a Prescription Drug Take Back event this Friday, April 24th, on the Arkansas Union Mall. Visitors to the area may come and drop off expired prescription drugs and other substances for appropriate disposal. Substances able to be left include over-the-counter medications, liquid products, syringes, illicit substances, pharmaceuticals, and other substances. UAPD advises individuals NOT to flush old medicine down drains or toilets, as medications can have harmful effects on the natural environment.
The event will last from 11am to 2pm. Individuals seeking more information should contact Chris White at the NWA Community Clinic, at
Growing Green Event Hosted by The Arkansas Union Advisory Committee
April, 14, 2015
Growing Green is an event that will be hosted by the Arkansas Union Advisory Committee on Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 10:00am-12:00pm on the Union Mall. Students will have the opportunity to plant flowers in biodegradable pots, and enjoy free snow cones in the nice spring weather in honor of Earth Day which is next Wednesday, April 22, 2015. "The Arkansas Union Advisory Committee is channeling their efforts in order to build a more clean, healthy, and diverse campus", said Molly McDaniel, AUAC Chair. Come out and enjoy this fun event!
KickStart Presents Summer Kickoff Event
April 13, 2015
Students visiting the Union North Terrace today are in for quite a treat. Kickstart energy drinks have brought their Summer Break Kickoff event to the Arkansas Union today from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Activities include give-aways, games, prizes, music, and more! All students, faculty, staff, and visitors are invited. The event will be under the tents on the terrace, so the event will take place rain or shine.
Union Hires Evening Events Supervisor
April 7, 2015

The Arkansas Union is proud to announce the recent hire of Nancy Carson as the Evening Events Supervisor. Carson, a long-time evening custodian, takes on the modified role vacated earlier this year. "I am thrilled to have Nancy as the newest member of the Union Event Services Team," says Emilie Hook, Event Services Manager and Carson's supervisor. "She is a hard worker who goes above and beyond to see that every visitor is taken care of."
Carson's primary responsibilities will include the management of evening events around the union, liaising with customers and building patrons, supervising student workers and custodial crews in setups, and after-hours emergency assistance. Carson's previous experience working evening custodial shifts will serve her well, according to Arkansas Union Director Rob Stagni. "Nancy brings in a wealth of knowledge about evening events operations, setups, and customer interactions. She'll do wonderfully."
You can find Nancy working events in the Arkansas Union evenings and weekends.
The Arkansas Union is Hiring!
April 2, 2015
The Arkansas Union is pleased to announce an opening on our administrative team, for the position of Union IT Specialist. Please click here for more information. The job will remain open until filled. The first round of application reviews will take place after April 20th, 2015.
The North Terrace Gets In-Tents
March 31, 2015
Visitors to the North Terrace yesterday were greeted by a welcome sight: the installation of three Razorback tents. The tents, each measuring 20 by 20 feet, are a semi-permanent addition to the North Terrace, according to Union Director Rob Stagni. The tents will be taken down only in the event of significant weather, but will otherwise stay up to provide shade and shelter for students eating meals, gathering on the terrace, or special events. "We hope it provides a multi-use space, for both RSO events and also a place to study, hang out, and meet with friends" says Union Special Events Coordinator Chase Smith.
With the addition of the tents, the North Terrace area is no longer an open, featureless space, according to Stagni. "The South Terrace and North Terrace can now both serve our students' needs, each performing a different but useful function for groups and events," says Stagni. The new tents are firmly anchored into the walls and concrete, and will soon feature dedicated lighting for evening use. The entire North Terrace, tents and all, can be reserved at and is free for use by any department or Recognized Student Organization.
Union Website Updated
March 30, 2015
The Arkansas Union is proud to announce that its website is now updated and easier-to-use than ever! A simpler layout, more precise information, better graphics, and an improved mobile experience await website visitors. According to Union Director Rob Stagni, the Union is one of the first areas in the Division of Student Affairs to bring its website into the new university format. "We hope visitors to our site find it helpful, appealing, and easy-to-use," said Stagni.
The new website will feature news and updates about the union, with some exciting announcements coming soon, says Stagni. The eventual goal is to expand and update all Union website areas, to create a cohesive and enjoyable experience across the board.